> HelloWorld();👋
> I am Jess John;
> I am a Software Developer;

  1. > 1.About
  2. > 2.Resume
  3. > 3.Contact
  4. > 4.Download Resume

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About Me


Energetic, Instinctive & Curious

A passionate computer engineering student with affinity towards development and programming and working dominantly on Web Technologies.

  • > Degree: Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Enginering [8.75]
    University of Mumbai (2021-2025)
  • > City: Mumbai, India
  • > Email: jessjohn1539@gmail.com

My Technical Skills Include:

  • Languages: C/C++, Python.
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, Javascript.
  • Frameworks: AstroJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS.
  • App Development: Flutter, Unity engine.
  • Databases: MySQL.
  • Tools: VS code, Git/Github, Figma.
  • Check My Resume


    Bachelor Engineering - Computer Engineering [8.75],

    Don Bosco Institute of Technology
    University of Mumbai(2021-25)
    • Google Student Developer Club(GDSC) - App Expert(2023-24)
    • Social Innovation for Environment(SIE) - Technical Head(2023-24)
    • Association of Computing Machinery(ACM) - Technical Team Member(2022-23)
    • Teknack Gaming Studio - Developer & Mentor(2022-24)
    • Volunteered technical training sessions, talks and workshops on various tools, technologies and softwares for the students of DBIT.

    Work Experience


    Website Developer Intern (Nov 2024 – March 2024)
    • Designed, developed and deployed official Website for Sakhya-Women’s Guidance Cell, a NGO based in Vasai, Maharashtra.
    • Led the team of 4 members.
    • Designed the website layout in Figma, ensuring a promising user interface (UI).
    • Utilised AstroJS framework to facilitate the development of the website.
    • Technologies: AstroJS, TailwindCSS, Netlify.


    Website Developer Intern (Dec 2024 – March 2024)
    • Official Website for Sacred Heart School, Kalyan.
    • Developed, Designed and Deployed the website along with the team of 6 members.
    • Technologies: HTML, CSS, AstroJS, TailwindCSS, Netlify.


    Google Student Developer Club(GDSC)

    App Expert(2023-24)
    • Taught and led Android development using Flutter for Google solution challenge

    Social Innovation for Environment(SIE)

    Technical Head(2023-24)
    • Volunteered in many events hosted by SIE club

    Association of Computing Machinery(ACM)

    Technical Team Member (2022-23)
    • Maintained Shelter Don Bosco(NGO) by editing one page to enhance content and user experience
    • Volunteered in C programming workshop conducted for students at DBIT


    Computer Vision Model for Lung Cancer Detection using Biopsy Images

    Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
    • Developed a computer vision model utilizing TensorFlow and EfficientNet to distinguish between Adenocarcinoma and Squamous cell carcinoma in histopathological biopsy lung images.
    • Utilized a pre-trained EfficientNet model.
    • Incorporated a GUI.
    • Visualized predictions and evaluation metrics.
    • Technologies: Python, Tensorflow, Keras, CNN



    Mobile Game Development
    • Designed and Developed a 2D mobile game using Unity Engine.
    • Won the ‘Best Game Concept’ award at Teknack 2024.
    • Circle Smash has 160+ downloads and 4.9/5 user rating on playstore.
    • Technologies: Unity, C#, Adobe Illustrator


    Mobile Game Development
    • Designed and Developed a 2D mobile game using Unity Engine
    • It has 160+ downloads and 4.6/5 user rating on playstore
    • Technologies: Unity, C#, Adobe Illustrator


    Website Development
    • A system that enables blood donors and blood banks to register and log in to the system.
    • It allows donors to use the Google Maps API and open-source geocoding API to locate nearby blood banks.
    • Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Express-Handlebars, MySQL


    Contact Me

    Currently open to new opportunities.

    Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I'll try my best to get back to you!